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Hi, Whass up!!!! Just if you're wondering here's a few things about me. I LOVE anime!!!! My room is full of Japanese stuff. I have thousands of Japanese movies and posters. If you have any questions about anything Japanese please e-mail me. If you're wondering what's with the pic....that's kinda what it looks like on Chiqu.

YUKI (you-key): She is 1 of the 4 main characters. She has pink hair and pink eyes. Her weapon is a sword. She is very independant but someone else always ends up saving her. She is one of those girls that if you mess up her hair or smudge her makeup she gets really mad. This makes her an AWESOME fighter. She lives on Triton.

Aumi (you-me): She is the 2nd introduced of the 4 characters. She has green hair (a nice green) and brown eyes. Her weapon is a staf (a long black stick.) She is never worries about her safty only the safty of her friends. She is the nicest one in the group. She lives on Deimos.

Sunoko (soon-o-ko): She is the 3rd introduced of the 4 characters. She has red hair and brown eyes. her weapon is a bow and arrow. She has a very short temper which is a great fighting skill. She is often on cloud 9 with every guy she meets. She always gets mad at Aumi because she always manages to hit her with her staf. Even though she has the stone of fire she loves the snow. The main reason she loves snow is that she can throw it at whoever pisses her off. She lives on Mimas.

Noliko (no-lee-ko): She is the last to be introduced of the 4 characters. She has blue hair and purple eyes. She has white flower lilies in her hair. When Noliko gets mad her eyes go such light blue that they look white. When this happens she can control water. She is the best fighter of the 4 because her water ability is so powerful, but it is hard to get her mad. She later on learns how to use her water ability without loseing her temper. She is very shy. She is always doing something by herself like reading or swimming, and she doesn't talk to anyone unless it's important. She has not told anyone her reason for being quiet, but her reason is often revaled in flash backs. She lives on Umbriel.


Kazuhiro(ka-zoo-he-row): Has one eye and short spiky hair. Is the trainer of Yuki. He was a soilder for the Waluie army, but betrayed them and came to Chique to train one of the four stone holders. He is a master swordsman and was taught by Master Goshuginsama (Goshi for short). Kazuhiro gets in a fight with Noliko because he thought she was a spy for the Waluie army not knowing she was one of the four stone holders.

Taisei (tie-say): Has blonde hair and blue eyes. Is the trainer of Aumi. He knows nothing about his past because he's lived on Chiqu his whole life with master Goshi. He is the youngest of the 4 trainers and is a very good fighter because master goshi tranied him most of him life knowing his was going to train one of the stone holders.

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